Premature Ejaculation: Reasons, Diagnostics, Treatment Methods, Premature Ejaculation Treatment Drugs (Prligy or Dapoxetine and Viagra Super Force)


What is Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in the world. Perhaps, every man faced it at a certain moment of his life. Nowadays more than 30% of men in the world suffer from this dysfunction regularly. The major symptom of PE is an uncontrolled ejaculation before the penetration into vagina or soon after it. The ejaculation happens earlier than a man wants it to and with the least possible sexual stimulation.

Physiological ejaculation process consists of two consecutive stages: semen emission and ejection. At the emission stage semen is accumulated in the back of urinary tract from ampullar spermiduct, spermatocysts and prostate gland. At the ejection stage after the neck of urinary bladder is closed beatings of urinary tract start.

Premature ejaculation can occur in men of different age. However, they are teenagers and young men at the very beginning of their sexual activity who face premature ejaculation most frequently. This dysfunction is connected with the absence of sexual experience. If an experienced adult man has such a problem his health may be in serious danger. Moreover, this problem often results in the frustration of both partners and is able to increase the anxiety. So, it is not useful to wait until this problem disappears of itself. In this case medical assistance is of vital importance.


Classification of Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation

Reasons of Premature Ejaculation

All the reasons of premature ejaculation can be divided into psychological and physiological.

  • Absence of trust-based relations with sexual partner. Disharmony, arguing, fears and adultery as well as other problems can be the factors of ejaculation dysfunctions. Emotional intimacy makes a great contribution into the harmonious sexual relations. At the same time all the mentioned psychological problems influence negatively all the sides of relations.
  • Regular stresses. A man wrapped up in his job and forgetting about the necessity to take a rest and to take a sleep sacrifices his health that leads to different sexual dysfunctions.
  • Psychological complexes. Some adult men take traumas and complexes from their childhood, suffer from fears not to satisfy his partner or to be refused. Most often these complexes and fears cannot be managed without professional help. Such disorders are effectively cured only at the therapist’s.
  • Anxiety, depressive states, sense of guilt and other negative emotions are also one of the factors of PE.
  • High sensitivity of penis head as a result of inherited or acquired defects which make sexual satisfaction faster.
  • Hormonal misbalance. The abundance of prolactin and lack of testosterone and especially leptin may cause endocrine disorders revealed in the form of premature ejaculation.
  • Diseases of internals. PE can occur due to the injuries of lumbar spine, pelvic organs as well as infections of genitalia.
  • Short tonguetie of foreskin can also be a reason of PE. To solve this problem a plastic surgery of tonguetie is applied.
  • Chronic vesiculitis. Walls of the irritable spermatocysts become very sensitive that is why even a little stimulation results in early ejaculation. As the given disorder develops in combination with prostatitis it can be treated with the help of complex therapy.
  • Bad habits, excessive intake of medical drugs and unhealthy lifestyle may lead to the problem of premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation may happen with new sexual partner or after a long period of time since the previous ejaculation. PE can also be a result of extreme sexual excitement. Experts consider it to be a consequence of the congestion of sexual energy in pelvic muscles.

Modern Premature Ejaculation Treatment Methods

Modern medicine provides different methods for the treatment of PE. So, the patient and his doctor can choose the most appropriate one in order to obtain good and stable results.

Sometimes premature ejaculation can disappear of itself within a certain period of time and does not require any medical treatment. Sometimes smoking cessation, abstinence or refusal to take forbidden medications may improve man’s ability to control his ejaculation process. The other variants may involve using the contraception sheath aimed at decreasing the sensitivity of penis or changing the position (e.g. lying flat on back). The sensitivity of the penis head can also be decreased by holding it open with the help of silicon ring retractor.

Doctor and patient

The therapist may recommend that the patient and his sexual partner practice certain methods aimed at postponing the ejaculation. Among them there are methods of catching the senses that precede the ejaculation and controlling them in order to slow down or postpone the sexual stimulation.

Method of relaxation as well as method of distraction can help man postpone the ejaculation. Another popular method aimed at increasing the duration of coitus and postponing the ejaculation is called “stop-and-continue” method. This method requires substantial cooperation of two partners, their communication and support. Perhaps, this method may be difficult for some couples.

The method of controlling the time of ejaculation involves certain physical exercises. Among them one can name Kegel exercises which help the man voluntarily control his PC muscle and the ejaculation process. In certain cases premature ejaculation can be caused by the loss of control upon this muscle so the method will be very useful for some patients.

Training methods prescribed by the doctor can substantially improve the ejaculation function in men whose PE is caused by neurologic factors. Apart from the methods mentioned above patients can apply exercises aimed at stretching the leg muscles which facilitate the relaxation of muscles of leg and bottom of the back. Relaxed muscles positively influence the ability to control the ejaculation.

Moreover, the doctor can recommend that the man masturbates before the coitus as it is known that the consecutive coitus lasts longer than the previous one. This method can be rather helpful in case if the patient is overexcited after the long period of abstinence.

Personal relations make significant contribution to the improvement or deterioration of sexual functions. Premature ejaculation can be caused by insufficient communication between sexual partners, unsolved problems that may have affect emotional intimacy. Psychologically based PE may lead to the development of other forms of sexual dysfunctions or to the intensification of the existing sexual problem.

Psychotherapy and medical advice can greatly assist in decreasing the anxiety and fears related to the premature ejaculation. In common cases of PE the treatment is focused on the step-by-step restoring from psychological traumas acquired both in the childhood and in the recent years. The patient together with the therapist learns to improve his attitude to the sexual intercourse, to analyze the situations that were traumatic and to model his behavior in and attitude to similar situations in order to avoid traumatic feelings.

Modern PE Treatment Methods

At present the treatment of premature ejaculation connected with the high sensitivity of penis head involves the newly-created microsurgery – penis head denervation with restoration of nerve stems. The surgery involves several stages. At the first stage the penis skin is cut slightly lower of coronal sulcus just like it is done during the circumcision. After that the skin is moved to the base of penis; all the nerve stems leading to the penis head are open. Then nerves are intercrossed and sewed with the help of surgery equipment. The surgery should be completed with the circumcision. Within 2-3 months after the surgery penis head completely loses its sensitivity; duration of coitus increases significantly. In 3-4 months the sensitivity of penis head restores partially. By that time longer ejaculation reflex has already been formed. One should mention that the necessary condition for the reflex formation is regular sex life which is impossible sometimes. The frequency of PE returns reaches 30-50%.

Selective penis head denervation is conducted just like the full denervation. The only difference is that nerve stems are not sewed. About 60% of nerve stems are intercrossed. The sensitivity of the head is saved due to the remaining nerve stems. The given method is much safer and guarantees stable result if the surgery is fulfilled according to the medical indication (positive lidocaine test). It is vitally to mention that these nerves (dorsal nerves of penis) remain sensitive. They do not refer to erectogenic (cavernous) nerves. Penis head denervation does not have direct organic impact on erection. However, decrease of penis head sensitivity may indirectly deteriorate erectile function in patients suffering from ED caused by psychological or physiological factors (depression, neurotic disorders, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, drop of testosterone level and so on). That is why lidocaine test is a key factor of the treatment method selection as it allows deciding upon the necessity of surgery as well as providing a guarantee of absence of negative impact on erectile function.

+ Training

The therapist may recommend that the patient and his sexual partner practice certain methods aimed at postponing the ejaculation. Among them there are methods of catching the senses that precede the ejaculation and controlling them in order to slow down or postpone the sexual stimulation.

Method of relaxation as well as method of distraction can help man postpone the ejaculation. Another popular method aimed at increasing the duration of coitus and postponing the ejaculation is called “stop-and-continue” method. This method requires substantial cooperation of two partners, their communication and support. Perhaps, this method may be difficult for some couples.

The method of controlling the time of ejaculation involves certain physical exercises. Among them one can name Kegel exercises which help the man voluntarily control his PC muscle and the ejaculation process. In certain cases premature ejaculation can be caused by the loss of control upon this muscle so the method will be very useful for some patients.

Training methods prescribed by the doctor can substantially improve the ejaculation function in men whose PE is caused by neurologic factors. Apart from the methods mentioned above patients can apply exercises aimed at stretching the leg muscles which facilitate the relaxation of muscles of leg and bottom of the back. Relaxed muscles positively influence the ability to control the ejaculation.

Moreover, the doctor can recommend that the man masturbates before the coitus as it is known that the consecutive coitus lasts longer than the previous one. This method can be rather helpful in case if the patient is overexcited after the long period of abstinence.

+ Psychotherapy

Personal relations make significant contribution to the improvement or deterioration of sexual functions. Premature ejaculation can be caused by insufficient communication between sexual partners, unsolved problems that may have affect emotional intimacy. Psychologically based PE may lead to the development of other forms of sexual dysfunctions or to the intensification of the existing sexual problem.

Psychotherapy and medical advice can greatly assist in decreasing the anxiety and fears related to the premature ejaculation. In common cases of PE the treatment is focused on the step-by-step restoring from psychological traumas acquired both in the childhood and in the recent years. The patient together with the therapist learns to improve his attitude to the sexual intercourse, to analyze the situations that were traumatic and to model his behavior in and attitude to similar situations in order to avoid traumatic feelings.

+ Surgery

Modern PE Treatment Methods

At present the treatment of premature ejaculation connected with the high sensitivity of penis head involves the newly-created microsurgery – penis head denervation with restoration of nerve stems. The surgery involves several stages. At the first stage the penis skin is cut slightly lower of coronal sulcus just like it is done during the circumcision. After that the skin is moved to the base of penis; all the nerve stems leading to the penis head are open. Then nerves are intercrossed and sewed with the help of surgery equipment. The surgery should be completed with the circumcision. Within 2-3 months after the surgery penis head completely loses its sensitivity; duration of coitus increases significantly. In 3-4 months the sensitivity of penis head restores partially. By that time longer ejaculation reflex has already been formed. One should mention that the necessary condition for the reflex formation is regular sex life which is impossible sometimes. The frequency of PE returns reaches 30-50%.

Selective penis head denervation is conducted just like the full denervation. The only difference is that nerve stems are not sewed. About 60% of nerve stems are intercrossed. The sensitivity of the head is saved due to the remaining nerve stems. The given method is much safer and guarantees stable result if the surgery is fulfilled according to the medical indication (positive lidocaine test). It is vitally to mention that these nerves (dorsal nerves of penis) remain sensitive. They do not refer to erectogenic (cavernous) nerves. Penis head denervation does not have direct organic impact on erection. However, decrease of penis head sensitivity may indirectly deteriorate erectile function in patients suffering from ED caused by psychological or physiological factors (depression, neurotic disorders, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, drop of testosterone level and so on). That is why lidocaine test is a key factor of the treatment method selection as it allows deciding upon the necessity of surgery as well as providing a guarantee of absence of negative impact on erectile function.

PE Treatment Drugs

Premature Ejaculation Treatment Drugs

In addition to exercises and surgery PE treatment methods include various medications that are successfully applied in patients with different etiology of premature ejaculation. The given medical drugs are designed to help men slow down the speed of their sexual excitement and postpone the ejaculation.

Medical treatment is one of the most popular methods because it does not require any interference into the human body and together with exercises can provide good results. There are several groups of medicines applied for PE treatment.

Anesthetic creams or aerosols locally applied decrease the sensitivity and painful senses in penis head. The duration of their medical action is 45 minutes so they should be applied right before the coitus. The disadvantage of this medication is its ability to decrease excitement in sexual partner.

Medical drugs known as antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are used to treat premature ejaculation only in case if the problem lies in psychological sphere. They decrease nervousness and anxiety and help release tension. The most popular drugs are Fluoxetine (Prozac), Paroxetine, Sertraline and others. These medications are applied as their side effect is connected with the inhibition of orgasm that facilitates the delay of ejaculation. However, patients should remember that there are other side effects of these medications which are not so positive as the delay of ejaculation.

In some cases injections of hyaluronic acid may be quite helpful. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide of animal origin. It is injected into the penis head and decreases its sensitivity by creating a layer under the skin. The effectiveness of such method exceeds 80%. However, this method is not applied in patients with diabetes, oncological diseases, genital herpes, erysipelatous inflammation and different systematic diseases.

5-hydroxytryptophan is an aminoacid, a biologically active additive used for treating the depressive states, low serotonin content, insomnia and other psychological disorders connected with the increased anxiety. It has positive influence on ejaculation function as it releases tension and decreases nervousness about sexual power.

Generic Viagra and other ED treatment drugs (Cialis, Levitra etc.) do not cure PE directly. They are designed to improve the quality of erections in men. At the same time the man’s ability to maintain erection within a longer period of time may lead to the PE symptoms improvement. How? It’s easy. Usually the first coitus is the shortest. So, if the man is able to conduct several sexual intercourses within several hours his ejaculation will be easily postponed up to the period which is suitable for the man and his sexual partner.

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No, premature ejaculation is not a reason of male infertility. However, if ejaculation occurs before the penetration surely it can be an obstacle for impregnation.

There are a lot of situations when doctors prescribe additional medications for the treatment of PE. First of all, special PE treatment drugs are recommended if exercises turn to be insufficient to solve PE problem. Secondly, if the premature ejaculation is cause by some viruses or diseases (e.g. sexually transmitted diseases and so on) the doctor always starts with the treatment of PE reason and prescribes certain drugs. In some cases it may be enough to cure the disease as premature ejaculation disappears and no special treatment is needed.

Yes, in some cases it can be effective as circumcision makes the penis head less sensitive so the man can conduct longer sexual intercourse without ejaculating.

Lidocaine test is a very effective method of PE diagnostics as its results allow assigning the proper therapy whether it is surgery or medical treatment. The essence of lidocaine test lies in the application of some quantity of lidocaine on the penis head. As a result, its sensitivity decreases so man can postpone the ejaculation. The only serious disadvantage of this test is that lidocaine, in case of contact with partner’s genital tracts, reduces their sensitivity either.

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