Female Viagra for Improving Sexual Satisfaction in Women
Mechanism of Action, Positive Results, Side Effects, Contraindications, Doses, Instructions, Buying Female Viagra Online
There are many ways to increase women’s internet access because the current, unremitting and breathless rhythms of life are also widening to women who struggle to reach orgasm seeking an alternative solution like Viagra for women. Just like the famous blue pill used by hundreds of millions of men around the world, this drug Lovegra is able to exponentially increase the pleasurable feelings a woman experiences during sexual intercourse. Viagra for women really works and helps the woman expand the sensations, almost to enlarge the size of the G point that allows the woman to enjoy more. Sexual pleasure for women is no longer a topic to be avoided and should be addressed as taboo.

The truth about Viagra for women
Viagra for women is based on the same active principle of Viagra, but in women it causes an increase in the state of excitement, it promotes the natural dampening of the woman’s genital area. For many women who feel fatigued to engage in sexual activity, experience vaginal dryness on repeated basis and fear to be frustrated, Female Viagra can be a truly extraordinary solution that can help you change from one night to the next: all your dissatisfaction, that strange feeling mixed with fearing being inadequate and wanting to end it, will vanish in an instant thanks to the remarkable solutions of modern pharmaceutical research. For those who want to try this drug, various formats are available, all available online directly from our site. Once you have completed your payment and completed your order, you will have to wait for the arrival of a totally anonymous package that will contain the solution to your sexual problems. Viagra for women really works – based on clinical studies and patient feedback.
If you are wondering how Viagra works for women, the answer is very simple. Viagra for women, marketed with the very special name of Lovegra, increases vasodilation in the vaginal area and consequently the inflow of blood in the pelvic region that leads to increased sensitivity. As a result, during sexual intercourse, you will feel much more penetration of your partner and pleasure will become more exhilarating, exponentially increasing and giving you the happiness of having a full and satisfying sex life. The rise for women should no longer be a taboo topic, even women deserve a viagra for them to end it with these limits and constraints set by a maleist woman who cares about female enjoyment. If you are tired of being sick, Viagra will give you a chance to experience intimate life to the fullest.
All information about male Viagra in our guide: https://www.australianhealthmall.com/generic-viagra
Viagra vs. Female Viagra
For years now, the healthcare community has been buzzing how women also deserve a product like Female Viagra that helps them to have a satisfying sex life even if they follow a frenetic lifestyle typical of modern times. It must no longer be a taboo: in the male-age society of the time the speech we are addressing here would not even have been mentioned, but now that woman plays an increasingly important role in the social and professional spheres, it is important that you also have the right to a fulfilling sexual life. Women’s Viagra is useful in a number of cases where you cannot always reach the right level of sexual satisfaction. Women’s Viagra helps the modern woman to enjoy even without hours of foreplay: with female Viagra all the problems of erotic dissatisfaction will only be a distant reminder.
Female Viagra will allow you to return to sex as if you were younger again: Female Viagra is based on the same active ingredient as Viagra, sildenafil citrate, which allows you to increase the sensitivity of the vaginal area and increase the volume G, the most important erogenous zone of the woman, for about 4 to 6 hours after taking the tablet (usually it is recommended to take an empty stomach about 30 to 45 minutes before sexual intercourse begins). Lovegra is an innovative product, a real female Viagra that changes the relationship between the couple from the woman, eventually the protagonist of her sexuality and no longer forced to suffer in silence the Italian maschilist culture. With Female Viagra you will be capable to focus on your pelasure, because your enjoyment is important.
What is Female Viagra Offered At Australian Pharmacy
Not only men, but also women may have sexual disorders that are able to negatively affect their sexual life and relationships. So, the idea to create female version of Viagra was not so surprising.
This article is primarily about the equivalent of men’s Viagra, which is based on the action of sildenafil citrate, its active substance, and can have different pharmaceutical names. It is made in the form of pink tablets in blister packs, containing sildenafil and additional ingredients – lactose, titanium dioxide, indigo carmine, triacetin. It is generic Viagra for women and it should not be confused with medications that have flibanserin or any other active substance and are also called ‘female Viagra’, though may have other brand names (such as Addiy).
The drug has to be taken orally with water, 30-50 minutes prior to anticipated sex, better on an empty stomach; but if it necessary, a woman can eat not fatty food. The peak effect comes after two hours, and after six hours it comes to an end. The common dose is 50 mg. If a woman has good tolerance to sildenafil, it is allowed to take the double dose (100 mg) for one occasion. If a woman is more than 65 years old, has renal/liver impairment, or is taking alpha blockers, the daily dose will be 25 mg. Anyway, it is prohibited to take more than 100 mg a day (24 hours). Sildenafil is non-addictive.
Female Viagra should be stored out of reach of children, at a temperature not higher than 30°С. The storage life is two years.
How Does Viagra Work for Women?
There is some debate on how effective Viagra really is treating sexual disorders in women. Often women take such drugs not because of sexual disorders, but because of curiosity or desire for strong sensations and emotions. Women taking Viagra for fun may expect that a stimulator will provide them with strong sexual desire, multiple orgasms and heavenly sensations.
But what does Female Viagra do in reality? It actually works by:
- enhancing blood circulation in the pelvic area
- increasing testosterone level in blood, thus enhancing sexual desire
- intensifying sensitivity of nerve endings and boosting sexual recall
- prolonging sexual sensations and making them brighter
So, visible effect is possible in some aspects of the sexual arousal response, for those women who usually have lack of sexual desire, lack of vaginal moisture, have difficulties with reaching orgasms. As for estrogenized or estrogen-deficient women, they did not experience any significant effect in improving the sexual response.
Female Viagra works like the analogous medication for men – it increases blood flow to the genitals organs. Sildenafil citrate works as an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 5, which suppresses nitric oxide neurotransmitter produced in the brain during sexual arousal. Due do sildenafil there’s enough nitric oxide in the body to relax muscles of the blood vessels and widen the vessels, which provides better blood supply to vagina. It is effective if a woman is sexually stimulated and aroused. So, it is hardly possible to solve the problem of frigidity by means of Viagra alone, though it may ease some symptoms of frigidity during the treatment period and help to cope with negative manifestations of early menopause (that’s why it is popular among older women). It helps to easier achieve physiological stimulation, if there are favorable psychological conditions and atmosphere for it, which is especially important for women.
The medication may also be helpful for women, who experience painful sensations during sex. Besides improving blood circulation in the genital area, sildenafil intensifies sensitivity in certain erogenous zones of a woman, increases muscular tonus and increases lubrication. All this makes the sexual intercourse much easier. But the drug does not cure sexual disorders and does not cause orgasm, though the orgasm may become brighter. Female Viagra showed effectiveness among women who have come through hysterectomy – the surgical removal of the uterus, which resulted in reduced sensitivity.
As for women who took sildenafil (including tabs that they took from their male partners), they said that sensations in the vagina and genitals organs in general became more diverse, and the orgasm became more intense. The clitoris became larger, and the lubrication – more intense. In general, women said that their sexual enjoyment improved, and reported better arousal and better overall sexual satisfaction.
Female sexual dysfunction can have various causes, for example, it often happens to postmenopausal women. Aging is accompanied by decline of hormonal secretion by ovaries (estradiol, androgens), which may reduce sexual response and libido, as well as sexual system functioning. Chronic diseases and regular consumption of medications often negatively impacts vascular response of the genital organs. Nitric oxide, which plays role in female sexual arousal response, was found in the tissues of uterus and clitoris, and this fact may explain the possibility of improving the process of stimulation and arousal in women.
But it’s important to remember that emotional and mental barriers to a satisfying sex life cannot be overcome by a Female Viagra pill alone. The woman’s partner also won’t be perceived as more attractive or desirable by her. Women, who have significant problems with their relationships or emotions, as well as significant desire problems, may fail to see any results from drug stimulators. That’s why Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, caused by psychological and emotional factors, can be hardly treated by female pink Viagra pills containing sildenafil. It’s important to receive adequate treatment – pharmaceutical, hormonal, or psychological.
Though Female Viagra cannot cause sexual desire, it may enhance natural sexual interest, due to increasing testosterone levels. This steroid hormone is considered male, but women also have it in smaller amounts. If a woman lacks testosterone, it’s difficult for her to be stimulated, since this hormone is responsible for sex drive and libido.
Unexpected Effect of Viagra in Women with Infertility
The doctors of the British clinic for treating infertility, Care Nottingham, have found an unexpected method to help the patient get pregnant. A 38-year old woman had a ‘noncarrying of pregnancy’ diagnosis and was prescribed Viagra. She was not able to carry a baby because of too thin uterine endometrium and because her uterus was insufficiently fed with blood, that’s why germ cells could not attach to it. The woman took male Viagra for 9 days under the care of a physician, while continuing attempts of getting pregnant using the method of extracorporal fertilization. And she succeeded and gave birth to a daughter. The effect was reached due to sildenafil’s ability to enhance blood circulation in the pelvic area, and to thicken the lining of the uterus. After that a group of women participated in the research and also successfully came through extracorporal fertilization with the help of Viagra.
Anyway, there were no serious researches yet to find out how sildenafil impacts female reproductive health, the ovaries and development of a fertilized ovum. So, self-prescription of Viagra by women trying to get pregnant is impermissible. All possible adverse effects, pros and cons should be examined. It is important to know that excessive consumption of sildenafil may negatively affect the fetus because of the nitric oxide concentration in the uterus. And it is essential that only women with infertility caused by thin uterine endometrium can benefit from sildenafil use, in other cases it will not be helpful.
Effectiveness of Sildenafil in Women Using Antidepressants
According to the results of George Nurnberg’s (U.S.A.) research, Female Viagra may bring some improvement to those women, whose sexual problems are associated with consumption of antidepressants, making it easier to have orgasms (including multiple) and prolonging them.
Sometimes women taking antidepressants suffer from sexual dysfunction symptoms, such as insufficient lubrication, pain during sex, decreased libido, or delayed orgasm. 98 women at mean age of 38, who were treated with serotonin reuptake inhibitors, took part in the research for 8 weeks. There was some improvement in sexual ability and pleasure, but it was not so great, including compared to the results among the placebo group. The patients didn’t notice an increase in sexual desire, but reported an improved orgasm function. Perhaps the results would be more visible if the research lasted for a longer period. Women, who participated in the research, also experienced the increase of testosterone level. Endocrine levels remained in the normal range.
Female Viagra and Relief of Menstrual Discomfort

Some researchers also consider Viagra a possible treatment of period pain and cramps in women – the menstrual problems. A group of 25 women, who took part in the research, said that their monthly symptoms became less painful with Viagra, though this could be a placebo effect. But it is quite possible, since it is known that poor blood circulation in the pelvic area may lead to menstrual pain, and sildenafil improves it. It is worth mentioning, however, that blood circulation can also be improved by Kegel exercises.
Is Viagra Safe for Women? Side Effects and Precautions
Female Viagra can be harmful for health in cases of individual negative reactions or allergy. And like almost all medications, it is able to cause side effects, such as headache, facial flushing, increased heart rate, reddening of face/neck, photosensitivity, dizziness, upset stomach, impaired vision, nasal congestion or hemorrhage, impaired smell, shortness of breath, swelling in the hands and feet, or anything else. In rare cases hearing loss, ringing in ears, or ventricular arrhythmias may follow. The side effects may be similar to men, but they also may differ. A woman is more likely to experience side effects in case of overdose, so take care of yourself and don’t take extra dose. You should also get medical help if your sexual desire is painful or lasts for more than four hours.
If you have any problems or adverse effects, it is necessary to contact the doctor as quickly as possible. The doctor may reduce the dose, prohibit you to take Viagra, or replace some medication you take that is incompatible with it. He may also prescribe an antihistamine to cope with symptoms of allergy, if allergic reaction takes place.
It is prohibited to take Female Viagra during pregnancy or in case of planning pregnancy, because the impact of sildenafil on the baby can be unpredictable. Precautions are also useful in case of hypertension or hypertension, or some kind of cardiological problems, as well as renal/liver impairment.
Simultaneous consumption of sildenafil and alcohol is not a good idea. Don’t eat grapefruits or drink grapefruit juice, since this fruit makes the body absorb sildenafil more intensely and may lead to intoxication. If you are taking Viagra with food, the meal should not be fatty, or you will have to wait longer to see the effect. Avoid mixing it with medicines containing nitrates and a range of other drugs (ask your doctor). The consequences may include low pressure, symptoms of intoxication, or other negative reactions of the body.
Read about 5 Unexpected Uses of Sildenafil: australianhealthmall.com/5-unexpected-uses-sildenafil.html
The medication should be taken only after consultation of a professional physician, and special attention should be paid to sildenafil’s interaction with other medicines and supplements that a woman may take. It is important to check if there are problems with heart and chronic diseases of inner organs.
- age under 18 years;
- infarcts or insults in past medical history;
- serious cardiovascular problems;
- hypertension or hypotension;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- psychosis, neurasthenia;
- intolerance to Viagra’s components;
- treatment with nitrates (very dangerous);
- oncological diseases;
- pigmented retinitis.
It is not allowed to drive a car or work with complicated mechanisms when sildenafil is in blood, so keep it in mind. Drink more pure water while taking Female Viagra.

Buying Female Viagra Online at Australian Pharmacy
Today generic Viagra for women can be easily found via the Internet. But since it is a serious medication, it is important to order it only from safe and reliable online drugstores, in order to be sure that everything will be OK with your health.
AustralianHealthMall is one of such websites with trustworthy reputation, which offers high quality medications at reasonable prices, convenient shopping and protection of the customers’ private and financial data. The customers are provided with competent help and consultations from professional pharmacists, with special offers and discounts, and overall high level service.
The assortment of drugs at Australian Pharmacy is diverse: antibiotics, antivirals, antidepressants, medicines for treating heart / blood pressure, cholesterol, and much more. The main focus is on medications for treating erectile dysfunction (additional info) in men and women, including generic Female Viagra.
Interactions of Female Viagra with Other Drugs
It makes sense to discuss in more detail the interaction of sildenafil citrate with other medicines. Some women are prescribed nitrate drugs, such as isosorbide dinitrate or nitroglycerin for heart problems or chest pain. Such patients must not take Viagra to prevent a dangerous drop in blood pressure. This negative effect may also take place when mixing sildenafil with alpha-blockers.
- age under 18 years;
- infarcts or insults in past medical history;
- serious cardiovascular problems;
- hypertension or hypotension;
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- psychosis, neurasthenia;
- intolerance to Viagra’s components;
- treatment with nitrates (very dangerous);
- oncological diseases;
- pigmented retinitis.
Alternative ‘Female Viagra’ Based on Flibanserin
As it is mentioned above, sildenafil may be effective for select categories of women, whose erectile dysfunction is not caused by psychological/emotional problems and who don’t have concomitant lack of desire for sex. There is another kind of medication, also called ‘Female Viagra’, though it is not the official name. This drug is based on the action of another substance – flibanserin. Flibanserin has a bit different mechanism of action than sildenafil. Unlike sildenafil, it is aimed at brain and psychological side of female sexual response, and at boosting sex drive. It influences the central nervous system, increases the levels of dopamine and serotonin hormones. No surprise it was initially tested as an antidepressant. Unlike sildenafil, which provides immediate response, flibanserin has to be taken every day for several weeks to see the effect, and during such treatment a woman should completely stop consuming alcohol, in order to prevent a serious drop in blood pressure.
Like sildenafil, flibanserin is able to cause side effects, such as fainting, dizziness, dry mouth, nausea, insomnia or sleepiness, fatigue. It also has to be taken cautiously with some medications because of interactions, for example, with fluconazole.
Flibanserin showed effectiveness among certain percentage of women, which is not too high. It is unpredictable whether the medication will be helpful for a particular woman or not. Those patients, who noticed results and made this ‘female Viagra’ reviews, reported that their worries about sexual function decreased, while the number of satisfying sexual events grew. The researches was primarily held among premenopausal women, who had been in loving relationships for at least 10 years, and who suffered from hyposexual dysfunction for 4 years or more. In general, flibanserin may help women to feel more ‘turned on’ and passionate, more confident, return the passion and emotions that once existed and then have been lost. The effect of flibanserin is rather mild, it does not make women hypersexual, it makes them more open and more ready for sex, rather than trying to avoid it.
Viagra Pills for Women: Conclusion
Female sexuality is a more complex phenomenon than male sexuality, so sometimes the action of drug stimulators may be unpredictable. On one woman sildenafil or an analogue substance may influence more intensely than on men, while another woman may not notice significant changes at all. The results also depend on each woman’s individual body response.
Female sexuality is closely associated with emotional safety and intimacy that a woman feels with her partner, and there has to be an element of eroticism. All this makes her responsive and aroused.
It is important to understand that it is normal for a woman to have stronger sexual desire in certain periods of life, and to be rather cold-blooded in other periods. It may depend on different factors, be it breastfeeding or preoccupation with some important tasks, as well as monthly menstrual period. And it is not right to be dissatisfied with one’s libido if it’s not strong all the time, because people are not supposed to wish sex every day, 365 days a year. But it’s always possible to pay more attention to sex in one’s life, and intention and effort can help here. Lifestyle changes, less stress, improving relationships may be very useful; so much can be actually done with low sex drive.
Female Viagra pills can also be used there’s need for this during certain periods of time. The main thing is to take them properly and to order them from reliable pharmacies and services offering Viagra for women for sale, such as Australian Pharmacy – www.australianhealthmall.com.
Ways to increase sexual pleasure beside Female Viagra
You do not even think about it, but your decline in desire may have a physiological cause. A full medical checkup then becomes necessary to identify a possible medical source or any health problem to avoid the long-term effects of stopping sexual activity. An important hormonal rush may cause libido to drop. It is important to consult your doctor, who will do you a blood test to identify and possibly restore any hormonal problems. The birth control pills you take may have a certain influence on desire, if it is not the one that suits you. In this case, your doctor may prescribe a more appropriate oral contraceptive or another contraceptive.
Certain drugs, such as antidepressants, tranquillizers or other treatments can explain this decline in desire. Very often, just suspend their administration, obviously under the supervision of a specialist, to make sure that the problem is resolved.
Depression is a real disease that is often accompanied by a decline in desire that affects all areas. And especially a sexual one. It can be caused by emotional trauma or arrive alone, without obvious causes. You should avoid having it installed: it is important to talk to someone quickly and quickly with your doctor who will advise you on a specialist to get a diagnosis and find proper therapy.
Tiredness and stress are two key and often frequent elements that often result in a decline in desire. The solution is simple: you have to be patient with yourself. You have to take care of yourself, relate the origins of your stress, you have to get bored, avoid being overwhelmed. And, above all, you do not have to blame yourself. The fact of not wanting to make love, even more stressful, is a vicious circle. Give time and, with your partner, indulge moments of pampering that can make your desire reappear. Set up a weekend escape with your man, disconnecting every connection with the outside world.
A significant event like loss of your job, decease, relocation, a love break are situations that can reset the sex appeal. This type of emotional disorder is capable of upsetting you and causing a decrease in your desire. However, you have to keep calm and learn to accept that this drop in libido is part of the post-traumatic process. If it should last too long, and you feel you could sink into a depressive state, do not hesitate and consult a physician.
If some find the fights with the partner particularly exciting, for most of us conflicting situations make the desire for the other. Talks, discussions, disagreements, or confession of a betrayal end up harming the relationship and the desire to approach physically. Fortunately, most conflicts are not eternal. Try to restore some calm between you and spend a pleasant time with your partner in order to find the pleasure of being together.
And do not forget the benefits of ‘putting your issues to bed’… literally. And wonder if, in fact, the tensions did not come from this lack of contact between you? Good to know: If conflicts with your partner are too rooted and serious, some sex will not be able to resolve them. Maybe you should think about a couple therapy.
A few pounds of too much, a stage of general lucidity, a professional failure – and you feel really little sexy. If you do not feel good with yourself, you will not even want to share intimacy moments with another person, even though you do not see the little flaws that paralyze you. Learn to love and things will be better in all fields. A balanced diet, a bit of sports, shopping, a break from the hairdresser, another from the aesthetis … take care of your body and yourself and really listen to the compliments they make you. If your love just goes up, your libido will follow.
If you get a proverbial dry spell for days or weeks, and if there was no one to remind you that it is healthy and natural, you would only think of it from time to time. The absence of stimuli can silence the desire. Hugs, caresses, erotic fantasies, naughty texting – in a nutshell, seeking new sources of inspiration. Gradually, the awakening of the senses will take over.
Be honest. Do not invent false pretenses, it would not serve anything, then no one likes to be misled. You would only postpone the problem without resolving it. Explain to your partner that there is nothing personal, which is momentary; suggest to your companion how he can, in your opinion, can help you evolve the situation. Ask him to be more stimulating, to return to the early romance. You can also just ask him to be a little patient. But, please do not ever resort to the excuse of headaches. Not only do not believe anyone anymore, but more is now known that an orgasm can make any migraine disappear. In fact, when the desire comes back, we recommend that you deepen these positions to reconnect with it.
The decline in libido, or decline in desire, and therefore of sexual activity, is often progressive with the advancement of age. According to studies, experiencing a decline in desire would be above all those who have a stable relationship, because at some point the boredom of habituality comes to the fore.
Sexual desire is governed by physical and psychic mechanisms: to achieve pleasure, it is necessary to involve the mind by stimulating fantasies, memories and images. If there is mental libido, it is easier to get a physical reaction, but sometimes this also fails, causing a drop in male desire, as well as a decrease in female desire, different but similar to each other. However, in recent years, some natural remedies have been identified with toning and stimulating action: phyto-therapy, bach flowers and homeopathic remedies come in handy.
There are plants such as maca, muira puama and rodiola that act on the nervous system, increasing the heart rate and blood pressure, thus stimulating the libido. In particular, mucus was used to delay premature ejaculation, lacking sperm boosts and rodiola to calm the anxiety states, due to its ability to increase serotonin levels. Among the most popular natural remedies in recent times is Cordyceps, a Chinese fungus harvested in Tibet, which improves sexual performance but has a fairly high price.
All these natural remedies are usually taken in the morning and then when necessary. Care usually takes place cyclically for two or three consecutive months, two or three times a year. However, before venturing into dangerous DIY care, you should seek advice from your GP.
A recent geriatric study has highlighted the benefits of ginko biloba; used during experimentation as a memory activator turned out to be an excellent remedy against the decline in desire. Its active ingredient, nitric oxide, stimulates the dilation of blood vessels, improving sexual desire not unlike Female Viagra.
Ginseng improves sexual drive and the quality of red ginseng is used to counteract male asthenia. Finally, there is the damiana that, thanks to the antidepressant action, balances the tone of the mood and urges the nerves that control the function of the sexual organs.
According to homeopathy to cure a disease, the same substances that cause it should be given in small doses. In the case of sexual asthenia, or physical difficulty often of a psychological nature to have a relationship, potassium remedies and Sepia, dried, shredded and diluted sepia ink are used. It then appears that asthenia goes hand in hand with depression and that sepia ink serves to cause this emotional state, immunizing the person according to the principle of similarity to the drug.
A last-generation supplement, with supportive properties for male sexual well-being, is based on Tibulus terrestris, ecklonia bicyclis and biovis, elements that, combined, have produced excellent results in cases of sexual asthenia and frigidity.
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